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Hand Care
Our hands are most in touch with the outside world, are more damaged by cold weather. In cold weather, hands appear to dry,crack and damage more. If you have
particularly dry skin, your hands will crack a lot more in winter. It is also one of the places where the signs of old age appear. Because of this, hand care is extremely
important. The spots formed in the hands are also important and we must take the necessary precautions. The best time to do skin care is winter. Some simple methods
you must do for healthy hands:
  • As the humidity decreases, our hands dry more. Water should be placed on the stove, especially in homes with a stove. In this way, the humidity inside is prevented
    from diminishing. If, the humidity in the house decreases, our hands will dry more.
  • The season we need the most attention for our hands is the winter season. In this season, we must do what is necessary for our hands. We must wear gloves when
    we go outside, wash the dishes or clean. Gloves must be used before any contact with harmful substances (chemicals).
  • When we wash our hands, we should use soaps that do not dry our skin and wash them with lukewarm water. Very cold or very hot water can damage our hands.


  • We must constantly moisturize our hands. We should use a moisturizer for this. Especially before going to bed at night we have to put a moisturizer on our hands.
    When we sleep at night, the body repairs itself. That's why night care is so important. So that your hands are always healthy and well maintained, apply cream on
    your hands at night to rest and renew.
  • One of the skin diseases in cold weather is eczema. This disease can be seen in hands that are exposed to too much water, soap and chemistry. The doctor must
    be consulted and the necessary precautions must be taken.
  • The most appropriate treatment time for stains on the hand is the winter season. There may be various spots on the hands. Laser treatment, ice cream treatment
    and chemical peels are the main methods of treating hand-made stains.

  • It was not enough to hydrate the hands only on the outside. We must meet the fluid needs of our
    body. We must consume a lot of water for this. In addition, we must pay attention to consuming
    healthy foods, vegetables and fruits.
  • Take care to use creams for your hands that include vitamins E, C, A, K and B. These vitamins
    are ideal for healthier and softer hands.
  • In dry weather, our hands begin to darken when they are without moisture. The most natural way
    to light the color of our hands is to put the lemon juice on our hands and massage it.
  • We can take care of our hands with rose water. We can put our hands in rose water by adding
    glycerine. Then we can wash and rinse our hands with lukewarm water.


  • A blend of olive oil and sugar can be used to make our hands soft. For a natural hand cream, olive oil, coconut oil, vitamin E and aroma can be mixed and used.
    If we want our hands to be brighter, we can make a mixture of lemon juice, honey and carbonate. White vinegar and water so that your hands always look healthy.
    Olive oil and lemon oil can be used for healthy nails.
