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Stamp Of Trust In Electronic Commerce
The Stamp of Confidence in Electronic Commerce issued to e-commerce companies inspected by the Ministry of Commerce and the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB), the Stamp of Trust in Electronic Commerce is defined as "the electronic sign given to the service provider and intermediary service provider that complies with the minimum safety and service quality standards provided for in the communiqué".
The function of the trust stamp clearly indicates the existence of a "minimum safety and service quality standard".
The ''Trust Stamp'' shows that the website holds this logo has minimum requirements in accordance with the communiqué, provides customers and consumers with their origin, contact information, certain rights, and complies with a certain security standard at the time of inspection. In this respect, the consumer or customer will be able to shop more securely than e-commerce sites that have received a "trust stamp" and not from unspecified websites.

We would like to thank our Technical team and all our employees for working to ensure that our consumers make safe purchases from and for their efforts in getting a stamp of trust.