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Shawl Fastening Models and Techniques for Different Face Types

Shawl Fastening Models and Techniques for Different Face Types

The outfits you choose, trendy combinations and the colors you use all come together to reflect your style of clothing. All the parts you choose must match your style and ratio, or even your skin color. Accessories that complement them until the chosen outfit for ladies in hijab are also important. At the beginning of these are shawls and scarves. It is so important that you choose the shawl that suits your choice of clothes, and the style of your choice is appropriate for your face shape. You can not imagine how much you can change when you tie a different way to the shape of your face, which you use every day, maybe random or maybe with ear-filling information. Therefore, before binding the shawl, you must identify your face type and tie your shawl accordingly. 

Shawl Fastening Models By Face Types
Round Face Type: Round face type with a width equal to and without corner; plump lines, plump cheeks. For this reason, the face appears short. Our goal for binding shawl should be to show your face long. Your bonnet must be connected at the top of your forehead. The bonnet should not appear when the shawl is connected. You mustn't tie your Shawl too far because it will show your face short and plump. Instead, you can have a longer and thinner face image with a shawl that you bind in an oval shape. 

Oval Face Type: The ladies in hijab who have this face type are the luckiest ones.  Because this type of face is symmetrical and balanced all kinds of shawl binding model suits. If you have an oval face type, avoid complex models that will destabilize your face. When you bind your Shawl, do not tie the neck tightly. If you use the side of  your Shawl to curl, your face type will appear. 

Rectangular-Square Face Type: The facial contours of this face type are quite angular and sharp. It is possible to softie your face lines as much as you need to be careful when connecting your Shawl. Therefore, if you use a bonnet, the bonnet should not seem under your shawl definitely. Because If your bonnet is visible, you have a more angular face type than it does. Your goal should be to bind your shawl so that it can have an oval image. 

Triangle Face Type: The important point of binding shalw with a narrow forehead and a wide jaw, the triangle face type is able to narrow your forehead wide jaw when connecting a shawl. Because this way you can have more ideal and symmetrical facial contour. You can use a bonnet to capture this image. What you need to the attention for is that your shawl doesn't stick to your forehead. The top of your shawl should be higher than your forehead and slightly ahead of your face. This allows you to camouflage the pointed appearance of your jaw.

Heart shaped Face Type: In this face type, the cheeks are narrodent to the jaw. So your goal should be to tie your shawl to make the forehead look narrower. After connecting your bonnet, you can bind your shawl by both sideways to cover some of your forehead. You can make your forehead look narrower by leaving plenty of top of your Shawl. This is why Silk shawl will suit you better.

Diamond Face Type: In this rare face type, forehead and jaw are narrow, cheekbones are disintegrated and significant. For this reason, your aim is to narrow the forehead and jaw wide cheekbones while connecting the shawl. To do this, you must tie the top of your shawl oval. When you use a bonnet or shawl, you can show your forehead narrow and cheekbones clearly.